F1Fund's Blog
Recent posts by the F1Fund team providing help and guidance on crowdfunding and fundraising for an individual's needs.
Latest posts in category: Updates
At Unified4People.com we are always adding new functionality. This past month we focused on improving your ability to share your campaigns with people. These are the changes for September.
At Unified4People.com we are always adding new functionality. This past month we focused on improving your mobile experience and sharing. These are the changes for October.
At Unified4People.com we are always adding new functionality. This past month we focused on improving your mobile experience, automation . These are the changes for November.
Building a fundraising team will greatly improve a the performance of a campaign. The more people you have championing your fundraising cause the better it will do! Find out more about Unified4People's team fundraising campaigns on this post.
We hope everyone had a great holiday season! At Unified4People.com we are always adding new functionality. This past month we focused on improving your team fundraising experience.
Wow, that first year went by fast! Can you believe we've helped hundreds of people in our first year? We've helped people deal with racism, family loss, injured pets and school programs. We've been written about in newspapers, blogs and online articles. Most importantly our online fundraising platform helped people who didn't know where to go when they had needs. Continue reading to find out more and this past months changes.
We are always adding new functionality to the Unified4People fundraising platform. This months focus was on streamlining our end-user process, email notifications and pledging. Please read more.
At Unified4People we take feedback very seriously. This month's change-log focuses on performance, notifications and team building. Additionally, we've hit a new milestone for Unified4People this month. Please read more.
While it's been a couple of months since we published an official change log, we've been busy. We have written a couple of other entries since our last change log if you want to catch up you can read them here. Since our last blog we've been focusing on our efforts to increase our footprint and helping schools. Keep reading to find out more.
This past month Unified4People has engaged a new partner to help those who are considering donating to a fundraising campaign do so. Read more.
At Unified4People.com we are always adding new functionality. This past month we focused on improving your campaign creation experience and sharing. These are the changes for January.
A lot has changed and we have re-branded the platform to be F1Fund. Find out why and what has changed by reading.