F1Fund's Blog
Recent posts by the F1Fund team providing help and guidance on crowdfunding and fundraising for an individual's needs.
Latest posts tagged on : updates
Wow, that first year went by fast! Can you believe we've helped hundreds of people in our first year? We've helped people deal with racism, family loss, injured pets and school programs. We've been written about in newspapers, blogs and online articles. Most importantly our online fundraising platform helped people who didn't know where to go when they had needs. Continue reading to find out more and this past months changes.
We are always adding new functionality to the Unified4People fundraising platform. This months focus was on streamlining our end-user process, email notifications and pledging. Please read more.
At Unified4People we take feedback very seriously. This month's change-log focuses on performance, notifications and team building. Additionally, we've hit a new milestone for Unified4People this month. Please read more.